20 Years...
I was 6 enjoying life as only a 6 year old can.
10 Years...
I was a sophomore in high school running track and in the best shape of my life. I had some killer legs. :)
5 Years...
I was on my mission in Santa Rosa, CA
3 Years...
I was in Rexburg, ID going to school at the "I"
1 Year...
I started working at Datacore, first as a temp until I found a job, then was hired on fulltime and promoted shortly afterward.
This Year so far...
I was promoted again, went to a wedding, witnessed a baptism
Saved the world one rebate at a time.
Going to my knitting group and hopefully finish one of my clogs.
Next Year...
Hopfully one step closer to a house to call my own.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 11:43 PM 0 comments
My Wednesday Knitting Group
I need to confess something, something that has been nagging at me for sometime now. It has to do with work so I apologize if that bores anyone. My manager, Sheri, has expressed distaste for her previous boss who happened to be LDS. I never met him but all I hear is crap, so because of that I've never told anyone at work that I too am LDS. Side story to that is that I taught Sheri how to knit and told her how I go to this knitting group every Wednesday and how it has been theriputic for me because all we do is knit and complain about the world and our problems. This group also happens to be an enrichment group from church and we don't talk about what "normal" LDS women talk about.
So I invited Sheri to this knitting group not thinking about it and then realized that I don't know if I want her to come to this thing. A - we don't talk about wholesome things all the time. In fact hardly ever do we, it's mostly about crappy stuff that has happened in our lives. B- we have some people that are not ashamed and wouldn't care that they were speaking to my boss. (I happen to like Sheri and I don't want things to get weird.) C- It would be weird "hanging out" with my boss. I know this is all lame excuses, but I would have to live with this everyday. I am at work more than I am at home. So I'm praying that if she does come, that she will get past her reservations for "Mormons" and actually come for the opportunity to complain about life and make a pretty scarf too.
Monday, September 29, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 10:09 PM 3 comments
Kourtney's Baptism
Again congrats Kourtney and Kolin on your big day!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 11:13 PM 2 comments