You would think with the amount this lady walks by my desk it would be easy to get a picture of her. I did manage to get a backside picture though. That should count for something. "Meredith" is the one on the right blending into the wall. She certainly keeps me entertained. A tick here and a tick there on my notepad, what more could I ask for in a days work? Or rather, what more could our employer ask for in a days work?
Watched Next for FHE tonight. Took forever and a day, but I'm not complaining. It's better than some other things I can think of. I didn't like the ending the first time I watched it (last night), but today or rather tonight, I actually thought it ended well. Overall, I give it 1 1/2 thumbs up. A movie that is bound to enter my collection. But then that's not saying much. It had Jessica Biel in it and watching that, made me want to watch the Prestige.
I am half way through the Half-Blood Prince. I'd forgotten a lot that happens in the book. Good thing I'm listening to it while I type away and make tick marks. I'm at the point that I could stand in line for the movie and the book now. If only I didn't have to work.... Long live Harry Potter!
Got a better picture of Meredith. I actually caught her at the mini bar this time!
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
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