1) Evelyn (Evie) was sealed to Sarah and Jim on Februray 28th! Congrats you guys!! I love this picture of Evie.
2) I passed the 10,000 mile mark on my odometer. That was hard to see that extra digit get added, I have since vowed to drive less aside from going to and from work and church and the store and my knit group and resturants and the store and...
3) I play RockBand like it's no one's business with co-workers. We even have a band name and backstage passes. You're jealous, I know.
4) I reached level 80 on World of Warcraft... only took a year
5) I invited my co-worker/co-bandmate to the MoTab (Mormon Tabernacle Choir) concert in June... I'm excited she's coming because she is a stout Southern Baptist. I'll share more on this later I'm sure.
6) Still saving for a house... stupid bills make it so hard to save
7) Still alive
8) I ordered a new shirt to verify to the world that I am a Geek and am proud of it.
9) I eat Mexican every Wednesday. Wednesdays don't come often enough
10) I cut my hair to about my shoulder and am loving the lighter hair. Long hair is so heavy and you don't realize this until its gone.
I am going to try to get back into updating this... forgive me if it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things.
Friday, March 06, 2009 | Posted by Rachael at 12:18 AM 4 comments
What I've been up to...
It's been awhile since I've written and to be honest I don't know that I'll pick the habit back up. Really I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around, just not around here much.
Not much has happened to me in the past 4 or so months since I've neglected this place. I'm doing fine mentally & physically. I'm a year older. I had a great Christmas/New Years. I've gained the opinion that somehow working my butt off should be compensated with less butt. I could talk someone's ear off about work and what I've accomplished there but lets be honest, I know no one cares. So I'll have to stick with my personal life and again let's be honest, I'd rather not.
Happy New Year everyone!
Thursday, January 22, 2009 | Posted by Rachael at 10:57 PM 3 comments
KC Temple!!
I just had to take this opportunity and say how excited I am that the Greater KC Area will be getting our own temple!!! Now the next big thing is where in the KC area will it be!?!? I have some ideas of where it might be and some doubts of where it would not be, but I'd like to know what everyone else thinks.
(Click the picture to get a larger view)
Saturday, October 04, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 11:50 PM 2 comments
20 Years...
I was 6 enjoying life as only a 6 year old can.
10 Years...
I was a sophomore in high school running track and in the best shape of my life. I had some killer legs. :)
5 Years...
I was on my mission in Santa Rosa, CA
3 Years...
I was in Rexburg, ID going to school at the "I"
1 Year...
I started working at Datacore, first as a temp until I found a job, then was hired on fulltime and promoted shortly afterward.
This Year so far...
I was promoted again, went to a wedding, witnessed a baptism
Saved the world one rebate at a time.
Going to my knitting group and hopefully finish one of my clogs.
Next Year...
Hopfully one step closer to a house to call my own.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 11:43 PM 0 comments
My Wednesday Knitting Group
I need to confess something, something that has been nagging at me for sometime now. It has to do with work so I apologize if that bores anyone. My manager, Sheri, has expressed distaste for her previous boss who happened to be LDS. I never met him but all I hear is crap, so because of that I've never told anyone at work that I too am LDS. Side story to that is that I taught Sheri how to knit and told her how I go to this knitting group every Wednesday and how it has been theriputic for me because all we do is knit and complain about the world and our problems. This group also happens to be an enrichment group from church and we don't talk about what "normal" LDS women talk about.
So I invited Sheri to this knitting group not thinking about it and then realized that I don't know if I want her to come to this thing. A - we don't talk about wholesome things all the time. In fact hardly ever do we, it's mostly about crappy stuff that has happened in our lives. B- we have some people that are not ashamed and wouldn't care that they were speaking to my boss. (I happen to like Sheri and I don't want things to get weird.) C- It would be weird "hanging out" with my boss. I know this is all lame excuses, but I would have to live with this everyday. I am at work more than I am at home. So I'm praying that if she does come, that she will get past her reservations for "Mormons" and actually come for the opportunity to complain about life and make a pretty scarf too.
Monday, September 29, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 10:09 PM 3 comments
Kourtney's Baptism
Again congrats Kourtney and Kolin on your big day!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 11:13 PM 2 comments
Update on my 2008/2009 Goal
So I again mentioned to my Dad the other day that I need my own space and I'm not really interested in renting. In my opinion if I'm going to spend the money might as well get something out of it like ownership. I am toying with the idea of purchasing a small home, so my Dad got me hooked up with a real estate agent this past week and the agent didn't waste any time on his part, he has sent me a list of homes to check out online. All of this is happening a little too fast for me, but at the same time I'm very excited if it ends up working out. It really just depends if I can get a first time home owner loan with an affordable monthly payment. So really it's in the early stages but it has come out of the "some day" stage to the "ball rolling" stage. I already have my sights on one house in particular so I'll keep you posted to see what happens, but to be realistic, I don't think anything is going to happen anytime soon.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 8:58 PM 4 comments
I just wanted to share with you all that I got a raise today!!!! I'm so excited!!! It takes effect September 1!! Yea me!
That is all.
Thursday, August 14, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 7:15 PM 3 comments
So I finally got my vanity plate a couple of weeks ago and I love it!!! It's a play on words for Yaris and what a pirate says. Also my Yaris has been christened as Morgan, as in Capt Morgan. I'd been trying to come up with a pirate name for my car now for awhile and nothing was working. Black Beard was too long and my car is silver, wouldn't work. I thought Silver Beard but that's just stupid. And that's as far as I got. Then one day I was having a discussion with some of my co-workers about how they think all cars are girls and I said that that's only because boys made it that way and that I'm not a boy so my car must be a boy not a girl. (Stupid reason I know, but I wasn't going to give in) So while still in this discussion they were coming up with names for me and I might add none better than what I had already come up with. And then it comes to me, Capt. Morgan, it's perfect!
- Morgan can be both a boy and girl name -both parties satisfied - check
- The name isn't too long - check
- Its a sweat name - check
- Its a pirate name - check
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 10:47 PM 3 comments
I was having a discussion with one of my co-workers the other day about whether it would be better to blind or deaf if you had to choose one. She said deaf because there is sign language and she'd rather see things like movies and pictures. I thought about that and thought that I would rather be blind because there isn't anything worth seeing on TV or in the movies. I would rather listen to music all day than watch a movie or a TV show. I don't think I could be deaf just for the sake of music.
I've pretty much spent my whole day listening to some of my older music that I came across and I've been enjoying the memories that come with them. I did listen to all your suggestions, thanks for those by the way, they were all great!!! I've also found some new music that is not anything that will sweep the nation but it puts you in one of those moods that makes you think the day is going to be a good day. So I have one for you all. It's called "How the Day Sounds" by Greg Laswell, He sounds like Carbonleaf. I'm also in love with Coldplay's Viva la Vida and Vilot Hill.
Saturday, July 19, 2008 | Posted by Rachael at 11:01 PM 2 comments