It's about time that I update this thing, but I have no idea what to write. I do have a headache for the third week in a row from church. I don't know if it has anything to do with my new calling as primary chorister. At least this week I took some medicine before I went into the lion's den, I was able to walk away with a smaller headache. This is turning out to be an interesting calling to say the least. I do enjoy it, but today, I really didn't want to go. I just wanted to sleep. Oh well, I guess it's good for me at least that's what they say. I've been teaching them a new song the past two weeks and today we played a game of boys against girls. I made them sing the song without me holding up the words. The boys went first and did horribly. (I guess we will have to work on this song some more) and then the girls. They didn't do much better. I will have to come up with another way to help them learn the song better I guess. I've also been trying to learn their names. It has been a real challenge, and I think they get tired of me asking. I don't blame them, I'd get tired of it too, but there isn't much I can do to fix it.
I think I may try to squeeze in a nap and hopefully catch a dream with the abject and sail off to some distant land.
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
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