I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but that pile of clothes is about 2 1/2 feet tall. I moved back home back in January and have been living out of my suitcases ever since this past weekend. Really what's been keeping me from doing anything about it is my sister's stuff is still in this room including the closet and dresser. So I finally cleaned out the dresser (still need to tackle the closet) and did all my laundry. The one think I hate about laundry is folding it and putting it away, so I just piled it on the one side of the bed. I have a king, it's not like I need the other side. So it is going to be my project this week to find a home for half of this stuff and get rid of the other half. And just for your information, that is my dog, Bandit in the foreground. He and I are buds, he likes to hang out with me and follow me around the house.
I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but the wall color is a light pink and I got the ok to paint from the parental units. So I'm shooting for either this weekend or the next to have it ready to go (probably be next weekend).
So much for going to bed early, I think I'm going to forgo the movie tonight and just do some sudoku instead. I don't want to fall asleep in my chair again at work. What a waste of a break when all you do is sleep. :) Anyway, I am happy to report that my dvd list is up to date. I am now at 321 and counting.
Happy jean Tuesday everyone! Happy "2 more days til Grey's" day as well! I can't wait.
Last thing before I go do my sudoku for the night, I need to change my poll, but I want some ideas, leave me a comment or two on what you'd like to see a poll on. And if your idea gets picked, a special prize may be coming your way.
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
Poll idea: "what you should name your new cat".
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