Thursday, I went in for an interview for this insurance company to do clerical work and got the job!! I was so excited. I told myself that if I got the job I was allowed to buy a new digital camera. (Plus the sale was too good to pass up) So here is my new camera. It is a Canon A620. I did some research on the latest cameras and it is the number 2 camera. The number 1 camera is this professional $800 camera that
is just way out of my league. Unless all you out there who read this blog (one, maybe two people) want to support me in the professional photography profession... No? So I guess I have to settle with the number 2 camera. :) Anyway, here is a picture of the back too. I liked this picture cause it is showing the earphones from an iPod. One of the things I like about this camera is the screen will pull out and turn.
It's nice when you are taking a picture of yourself. But you can also have the screen turned, facing the inside of the camera to protect it when not in use. I like that too. It's got a bunch of settings you can mess with to get the right effect you're going for. I took some pictures of myself actually. I had a good laugh at myself. Here's an example: But here is a better example. This one I'm not making a funny/stupid face. Please note that I took these pictures at or around 2 in the morning the other night. I was getting tired and was acting stupid.
So back to the better picture, here it is: There's more pictures where that came from, but who wants to see a bunch of pictures of me? Not me. So I'll leave it at these two. Oh man, I need to go to bed. I can't type straight. Plus I need to get up early for church. So I will say thanks for reading my rantings and ravings and sharing a good laugh once and a while. Goodnight. Oh and wish me luck on my new adventure of... work. Scary.
My new adventure is about to begin...
Sunday, May 28, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:27 AM 1 comments
Arr!! Ahoy maties.
I came to the realization today that I like pirates. It all started about hmm, maybe 10 years ago with High Seas Trader. The sad thing was we all loved the game and would have to set a timer so someone else could play. My family and our games. Good memories. This isn't the only game we have had to use a timer. Sad. Anyway, I started to replay this game two days ago. I love it!! The second proof I love pirates doesn't have a picture... and for those who know me know it is better that there are no pictures. :)
Wouldn't want any proof of that one. [cough cough] Moving on. The third is a game called Pirates! Not as fun as the first, but this did cause the timer to come out. This one has some dancing involved, sword duels with bad guys (cause pirates are not the bad guys) and oh course sinking of other people's ships and treasure!! Bring on the treasure hunt.
And the last of my pirate list is my new love, Puzzle Pirates. The sad thing is that it's online and I have tried to get my brother and sister to play but are not interested. They like the games that involve guns and shooting. Me, not so much. But I did however get my Mom into it! So we go on pilages together. It's tons of fun.
So tomorrow I am going to the dentist to get my annual cleaning. But what I am excited about this trip to the dreaded dentist is that I am going to get a consoltation about my two teeth in the front that did not come in correctly. One of which is pointed and the other twisted. My parents promised me that we'd get them fixed this summer. So I am off to talk to my dentist about them. It will be nice to have a normal smile for once in my life. It took me along time to be able to smile in pictures comfortably. So it will be nice to have them fixed. To bad I don't have any gold in my teeth, that way it would go better with the theme of pirates and treasure.
Monday, May 22, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Stuff and Things
I did it, I gave in and bought some tonight. All those stupid commericals worked. And then I went and did something stupid. I put them in the bed of my truck and by the time we made it back from target it had been tossed and shaken. And so alas I have to wait to try the brand new favor of Dr. Pepper Berries and Cream. I have heard nothing but praise for the thing and it was on sale. The cursed words. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really saving or I'm spending to save... Deep thoughts too late at night.
So for those who haven't seen, I revamped my parents business website. You can see it here: I'm rather proud of it. It took me the better part of today and last night (I was up until 4 working on it) to finish it and post it to the web. I am hoping that it will pave the way for other opportunities.
Thursday, May 18, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:20 AM 2 comments
Third times the charm...
Alright, I got one of my Sudoku books this weekend. Still waiting on the much anticipated third in the series. I've completed just under ten puzzles yesterday and today. Took it with me to the Jim Brickman concert. Which was good, but really isn't my favorite. Jim is my mom's favorite of all time. She has all but three of his albums, and he has a lot. But anyway, I took the book with me and the lady seated next to me thought it was funny that I had pulled my cell phone out as a light source to finish a puzzle when the house lights went down. I was almost done, I had four or five boxes left, I wasn't just going to put it down. Those who do sudoku would understand and most likely have done the same.
I also have been reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The story line is finally starting to pick up. I am hoping to have it read before Friday when my family is planning on seeing the movie. I'm really excited about the movie. I can just see it though, after the movie, my family will tear it apart and will make it less enjoyable to watch. I really don't like seeing movies with my parents. I love them, don't get me wrong, but it is hard to watch a movie with them, movie theatre or not.
For those wondering, no I still have not found a job. I'm still a hobo. I've messed up my biological clock too. I don't get tired until around three and don't wake up until around noon. I need to fix that...
To all those mothers out there, I hope your celebrated day was special. I am grateful for all mothers, but especially my own. Love you Mom! Thanks for inviting me to the concert.
Monday, May 15, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Couch Potato
So here I sit on my living room couch and I'm watching the game show network. As lame as that is, it's the life. I love game shows and I have the internet on my lap, what more can I ask for? So I've decided to call this entry the "couch potato". I haven't done much since I got home last night. Today I unloaded my truck and the uhaul, I returned the uhaul. Something I've never done. I also slept until about 10:30 this morning. I haven't slept that long in weeks. It was wonderful! I cleaned out the fridge for my mom, that was something productive... really, I don't know what happened today, I didn't do much. Let's see, what else can I write about? I just finished the longest trip of my life. I don't think I want to make it anymore. And if I do, I will not be taking as much crap with me. Well, I'm tired and I have my electric blanket waiting for me. Rachel, have fun in Maui. And to the rest of you that read this, leave me some comments.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:08 AM 2 comments