My beautiful niece, Kourtney, got baptized on the 6th of September!!!! I just wanted to share some pictures and also to say congratulations to her for reaching an important milestone in her life. I'm so thankful I was able to witness it, and what a great blessing she is in my life. Congrats Kourt!!!!

When I saw Koltun sporting his new green shirt I couldn't resist... He is so handsome!!!!

Here's a shot of Kimberly getting her hair done before we left for Kourtney's baptism. If you look closely you can see her new favorite shoes, the black version of Dorothy's shoes from the wizard of oz. She's dang cute!!

And here's Kolin!! He's sooo cute in his little sweater vest!! He's a fun little guy and I can't wait until he grows up so I can get to know him better! Kolin was given his baby blessing the same day Kourtney got baptized. It was really neat to be able to be there.
Again congrats Kourtney and Kolin on your big day!!!