I lost the steam to type here everyday. Oh well, I didn't think it would last long. The goal really was to just keep this up. I like adding pictures to the blog because it makes it more interesting. So as I was looking through my gallery I found this picture of my Dad's hand holding my new niece's hand. I took the time stamp off, I'm hoping you can't tell. I really like this picture. Dad has said on many occasions "the closer to the end of the toliet roll, the faster it spins." How true it is. I'm not "old", but I'm getting older and things don't seem so long ago but in reality were many years ago. I don't like it. I have so much of my life left, but yet feel I have lost so much time. And what do I have to show for my life? Not much. I need to get my act together and start acomplishing things on my "life to do list". You know those, everyone has one or at least should. I've got maybe 30 or so things I want to acomplish in my lifetime, and I've maybe crossed three things off. Granted, somethings are out of my hands, like get married and have kids. But visit every state? I can do that. Go to England, I can do that. Have I? Nope. Why not. There is no real reason I haven't.
Toilet paper...
Friday, March 31, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:50 AM 0 comments
She'll be coming around the mountain...
Played racquetball again this morning. I got Cassy a couple of times one real good one to the bum. But she got me really good in the chest. She is still laughing at the face I made. We played for about an hour this morning from 7 -8. Hopefully I won't be as sore this time around. But only time will tell. We play up on campus so I don't know that we can have music playing while we play, so instead I sing little songs to myself and occasionally out loud. Today I could only think of the song "she'll be coming around the mountain". Couldn't get it out of my head for the life of me. Oh and the sloppy joe song too, I kept singing those two.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 9:53 AM 0 comments
I can feel my insides cooking now
I just thought this picture was hilarious and wanted to share it with all you who read this here blog.
So today was a good long day. Went to church, that was really good. The speakers were great. I enjoyed listening to them. Relief Society was good as well. Taught about getting us ready for General Conference this next weekend and how we should prepare. It's stuff I needed to hear. After church watched Cinderella Man with Cassy, hung out with Rachel next door... nothing new. Then we went to "Eternal Values Night" up on campus. I was a 1/3 in charge of it. I was actually surprised at how many people came. The speakers did a good job, the refreshments were good too, always a plus. Then on the way home, Rachel said they would race me. Um... I was winning until we got on the street where the temple is being built. Cassy and Rachel went an unmeantionable speed and flew by me. So, needless to say, they won! Congrats to them. But was funny was they tried to pass me in the parking lot and I wasn't going to let that happen, so I pulled in front of them. I thought there was more space between us, but I almost caused an accident. Good thing it was an almost. Phew. Then afterward Cassy and Rachel raced to get out of their dresses and it was hilarious. My stomache has had one heck of a workout lately. It's been nice.
Speaking of workouts, I'm still sore from raquetball, even worse today than yesterday. I feel like someone needs to sit on me to pop my back and relieve me of some of this pain. Man I'm out of shape.
Monday, March 27, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Long Live the Weekend
Got up early this morning and played raquetball with Cassy. It was so much fun. We played for an hour and a half! I loved it. The funny thing was later today I had forgotten and was wondering why I was so sore. My forearm and back both are really sore. I thought I slept wrong, nope, just stupid.
Had a lot of fun today. Watched CSI, hung out with Rachel and Cassy all day, watched Red Eye. That's an intense movie. We went to the championship basketball game. The blue team won. Yeah for them. It has been a good first spring break. Looking forward to my next one after classes on wednesday! Anyway, I need to go to bed, it's been a long day...
Sunday, March 26, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Ranting and Ravings of someone on their downward slope
Today was my aunt's 50th birthday and I didn't even write or call her. Oops. I think I was on something today. What, I don't know. But I was not myself. For those around me, I'm sorry. I need to think before I act or speak. I slept in this morning until about 10. It was great. I haven't done that in awhile. It was needed that's for sure. I'm thinking about nothing, I don't know what to write. Really I just need to apologize to some people so I can concentrate on other things.
March is almost over and I can't believe it. It has been a busy month for me. I don't know that I am ready for it to be April. It means that school will be over, I will have to get a job, my friends will not be around and I will return to the life of a hermit. Not really looking forward to it. Although I do miss my family a bunch, I don't know that I want to go home yet.
Moving on... I was right. My time with the trophy was not long lived. Cassy scared me and she wasn't even trying. Dang it. I worked hard to get it, but I'll get it back, don't you worry. How lame am I? I care about the stupidest stuff.
I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. Play a little sudoku and call it an evening.
Saturday, March 25, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:33 AM 0 comments
What can I say?
I got it back!! And it's about time. Exibit 'A' -a tin foil trophy. I made this awhile ago for Cassy and me because we are constantly trying to scare each other. Whoever scared the other person had the imaginary trophy so I decided one Sunday afternoon to put my Sabbath to good use. I made us a trophy. And dang, I think I did a good job. But I finally got it back tonight! I was in talking to my roommate, Leslie, and out comes Cassy. She was in the bath and had no idea I had returned from Dairy Queen. So I hid in Leslie's closet as they chatted and all of a sudden I jump out and yell "boo." She is in a towel and all she can do is scream! Oh my heck, I gave myself a headache from laughing so hard. For those who remember or even know, it reminded me of the picture of Carrie Crane when she slept over at our house and her picture was taken while she was screaming in a towel. Oh man, that was funny! We'll see how long I get to keep it. I bet not for long. Cassy has been getting into the game a lot lately, actually the whole apartment has, and they have been ganging up on me...
So the other piece of news is Exibit 'B' - my new haircut. It doesn't look like much, but I got side bangs. I made sure they would be able to be tucked behind my ear, I just can't stand things in my face. It was fun. I love getting my hair cut. I love the nice sharp ends and the lighter feeling, not that she cut off a bunch. When she cut my bangs, she cut off like 4 or 5 inches and it fell in my lap and it was hard to not look at it and want to cry. Ok, not really, but I couldn't believe how much she cut and my hair was still fairly long. So anyway, I'm trying to take a picture of my hair and its hard to do by myself. This picture you really can't tell but the bangs are on the right side, my left side. I like the feel of them. Anyway, life has been good. I have some homework to do, but I probably won't do that til tomorrow or Saturday. Not in the mood right now. Oh, before I forget, I'm excited, Cassy, Rachel and I are going to try to play raquet ball on Saturday morning. We can't sign up for it we just have to show up and claim a court so we're going to go early. We'll see, I really hope we get one. I'm feeling the need for exercise.
Friday, March 24, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Spring is here!
So, I'm liking the way this blog thing is looking. I just might keep this up. But we'll see how long that lasts. So today I had class and got out early. My first spring break started early! Sweet. Tomorrow I think I'm going to get my hair cut well trimmed to be exact. Cassy and Rachel really want me to get side bangs. I don't know how I feel about that. But it got me thinking. I've had the same hair cut since who knows when. I
don't do anything special with it and basically let it do it's own thing. So I've been giving it some serious thought. I just looked at some websites talking about sidebangs... they didn't help me one bit. Maybe I'll just ask around. I don't know, I'm so indecisive it makes me sick. Anyway, Here's a picture of Cassy, Rachel and me in Boise. I forgot to post them yesterday.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:50 PM 1 comments
I went to Boise for the weekend with my friends. Rachel is from Boise and it was her birthday on Saturday, so we traveled the 5 hours across the state. It was so much fun! And I can't really say what was so fun about it, we just hung out, but it was a blast. We did eat out a lot and my weak stomach, the poor thing, didn't enjoy it. I had to keep popping pills everytime I ate to keep it quite. Oh well, such is life. If that's the worst I have to deal with, I can handle it. So, Rachel has two adoptive siblings and are both from China and are a kick in the pants! Oh my heck. Kids really do say the darndest things. One is 3 and the other is 5, so you can just imagine the things they say. I loved Boise, it reminded me of downtown Kansas City. Not that I enjoy Kansas City, but I love the surrounding areas. A little piece of home. ahhh. This next weekend is our spring break and if the weather is good the three of us are going to go camping! I'm excited. I just hope the weather holds. Anyway, it's late and I still haven't started my homework for tomorrow. Maybe, I'll just get up early and do it then...
Posted by Rachael at 1:24 AM 1 comments
Here is a recent picture of me. I'm at one of my friends' wedding reception. Oh my heck was that the best reception I've ever been to!! It was great to see her get married to such a great guy. I wish her all the best. But anyway, I like this picture of myself. I tried adding this picture to my profile, but I can't seem to get it to work. It was kinda frustrating. So instead I just added it to the blog. I'll have to fiddle with it some more. Or, just give up.
Posted by Rachael at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Here's my attempt at keeping a blog. I was just viewing my sisters and thought to myself how cool it looked and all the fun pictures they have on their site and how I want that too. So sit back, relax, and enjoy "my life how I tell it".
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:07 PM 0 comments