I just thought this picture was hilarious and wanted to share it with all you who read this here blog.
So today was a good long day. Went to church, that was really good. The speakers were great. I enjoyed listening to them. Relief Society was good as well. Taught about getting us ready for General Conference this next weekend and how we should prepare. It's stuff I needed to hear. After church watched Cinderella Man with Cassy, hung out with Rachel next door... nothing new. Then we went to "Eternal Values Night" up on campus. I was a 1/3 in charge of it. I was actually surprised at how many people came. The speakers did a good job, the refreshments were good too, always a plus. Then on the way home, Rachel said they would race me. Um... I was winning until we got on the street where the temple is being built. Cassy and Rachel went an unmeantionable speed and flew by me. So, needless to say, they won! Congrats to them. But was funny was they tried to pass me in the parking lot and I wasn't going to let that happen, so I pulled in front of them. I thought there was more space between us, but I almost caused an accident. Good thing it was an almost. Phew. Then afterward Cassy and Rachel raced to get out of their dresses and it was hilarious. My stomache has had one heck of a workout lately. It's been nice.
Speaking of workouts, I'm still sore from raquetball, even worse today than yesterday. I feel like someone needs to sit on me to pop my back and relieve me of some of this pain. Man I'm out of shape.
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
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