I have been longing to go to a movie all week. A couple of times I almost went straight after work, but I refrained. I came home this evening declaring my desire and didn't care if anyone was going to come with me or not. I have several movies on my "to watch" list and tonight I scratched "The Devil wears Prada" off of it. I liked it. And am grateful I am comfortable with who I am. This is where the venting comes in. If you don't want to read it, that's fine just skip to the next paragraph. The past three or four movies I've been with a certain person and each time this certain person, who shall be named Betty, has somehow made it all about themselves and how the world is so hard and makes everyone miserable and then when one does not respond Betty assumes you are mad at her. Honestly, I can not wait to get out of here. It will be awhile before I go to a movie with Betty again. I am sorry to all those who read this, I just needed to vent for a minute. Too many emotions being locked up that they started to seep out.
Moving on. I think if my brother isn't working I will take him to go see Superman Returns. I like watching movies with him. I also wanted to see Lake House and Nacho Libre. And of course when they come out, Pirates 2 and Lady in the Water. I think that's the longest "to watch" list I've had in a long time. We'll see if I actually watch them all.
As to the current poll, yes it was the Motzerella Sticks, yummy. I could go for some now. And green is my favorite color. But blue is a close second.
I annouced to my family that my boss gave me Monday off and now I suddenly have chores to do. I can either get them done tomorrow or wait until Monday or Tuesday. Sigh When does school start? It's not soon enough. :) I need to find a husband. Anyone know of anyone I might steal away with?
Sometimes you just need to vent
Friday, June 30, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Roses aren't always red, they can be yellow too
So my poll is a smashing hit! Someone other than me voted!! :) Thanks for voting Rachel. Although I will say one of us got it right and the other did not, I won't say who though. Results of the first poll, Blue - 1 vote Green - 1 vote.
I'm sitting outside the house where Jenny, my sister is taking voice lessons. I brought my laptop hoping by chance I could pick up wireless in the neighborhood and I was right! Yeah for wireless. So instead of doing something productive as I await her return, I write.
So far my week is going well. I'm excited that tomorrow is the middle of the week. Time seems to be flying by and that's fine by me. I love the benefits of work ($$$), but I hate having my day taken away. Enough about work. I'm almost done reading Angels and Demons. I'm engrossed! I can't put it down. I've been reading it on my lunch break out in my truck (it's quite there) and the next thing I know, I haven't eaten my sandwich and it's time to go back to work. :) I love a good book! I need to find another one to pick up after this one is done. Any suggestions? Any suggestions on poll questions?
I have found a new love. I love Chedder Chex Mix. I have started eating it at work like it's going out of style. I highly recommend it. Welp, I think I'm going to read for the balance of my waiting time.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 7:15 PM 4 comments
I made some improvements...
If you will all take a moment to notice some new things I added. First off the obvious one, I added a poll to the right. I don't know how often I will change the question, but I thought I'd give it a try. Next, at the bottom, I added a counter. I am curious how many people really do read my thoughts and rantings. I'm excited for these changes. Everyone, let me know what you think especially about the poll.
Now for this weekend. Today I didn't go to singles ward. Mostly cause I don't like it to be honest. So I went to my family ward. It was a nice change of pace. We'll see which ward I continue to attend. Yesterday, I spent most of the day at Sister Howell's apartment fixing her computer. I reinstalled windows twice until coming to the conclusion it was the modem that needed to replaced. So we took a trip to one of my favorite stores of all time, Hypertech Computers. They just sell parts and I could spend hours there, so we bought a new modem for her and was able to fix her computer. For payment she took me to a hamburger place called Fuddruckers. It was really good. I may have to continue patroning. Anyway, I'm off to bed.
Monday, June 26, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:17 AM 2 comments
Just ignore the flash in the center, didn't feel like removing it. I took a picture of my frame to show off the finished product. I finally finished it. I was proud of myself. Although it's not perfect, I had to get a little creative to make it work. I think it looks good. [pat myself on back] I'm excited to hang it on my, well, my sister's wall. Maybe I'll just put in on the floor next to the bed... Just kidding... well sort of. :) Rachel, I got the new Keane cd. I haven't listened to it yet, but I will let you know what I think and if you want a copy, and I'm sure you do, I will send one your way. Just let me know.
Hmmm, I'm out of things to write, but I don't like it when the text doesn't line up with the bottom of the picture at least, so I'm going to ramble about nothing. Let's see, new things in my life? Nope. Still love the color green. Still hate the mornings. Still LOVE music. Wish I had more time in the day, or didn't work so many hours. I bought red vines, yummy! Can't wait to... you fill in the blank. Welp, I made it so I'm going to bed.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:02 AM 1 comments
It's been awhile...
I decided to update the blog. It's been awhile since I last did anything with this.
As you can tell from the picture that I have started to read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. So far it's good. I'm only to the 7th chapter, so not far enough in to really judge how I like it, but judging from his other book, I'm sure I'll like this one. I haven't had an awful lot of time to read and when I do have the time, I devote it to other things. At the moment time is prescious and a rare commodity, especially alone time. I'm hoping to have this read before the summer's end (I'm sure I will, but I want to keep the goal realistic). So enough about the book.
My Dad and sister are going to Youth Conference this weekend. So again, it will be mostly just my mom and me. She's already got the weekend planned. Sigh. (At least a movie and puzzle pirates fits into her plans, I just hope sleeping in is on her list too.)
So we bombed the house this past Saturday. We found out later that we only needed to be out of the house for 2 hours instead of 4. Oh well, James and I had fun. We went to the computer and video game stores. We just like to look at all the "toys". My parents on the other hand sat in the backyard and buzzed both of our dogs. Bandit, our toy poddle hates to be shaved, well they both do, be he more so than Jasmine. They each took between 1-2 hours to cut. I've learned from watching and from doing, that I will never, even if my life depended upon it, be a dog groomer. It's back breaking work. Thank goodess people sit still for their haircuts.
Well, I've earned my keep at my job. They love that I know the little secrets about the computer and how things work. If they only knew. Sometimes I think of myself as a fraud when it comes to what people think of me and my knowledge about the computer. I've sat in my classes at school and just sit in awe at what other people know. Then I come home and people think I know everything there is to know. I'm not complaining, I'm just stating that sometimes I think I let people think too highly of me. Sure I know some things. But for what I want to do in my lifetime as a profession, as a career, I see a long bumby road before I get there. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off on the tanget. I was just getting at that I feel like I am fitting in at work and that I've earned my keep. I fear because I still sometimes have nothing to do, that they will let me go. It sits in the back of my mind everyday, but from what I've heard, I shouldn't worry, but yet I still do. I'm good at that. I like to worry. It helps me feel like I'm doing something at least. I get it from my mother. Anyway, I'm going to read and hopefully fall asleep soon. Morning comes too quickly. To all who read this, good night.
Monday, June 19, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:02 PM 0 comments
I had one of those moments...
I love it when it happens. I wish I could bottle it up and open it when I need a true sense of peace. One of my nightly activities is to take Bandit, our toy poodle, out to do his business before he retires for the night. I love taking him out cause he's mellow. He and I are buds. He's old and blind and will eventually get from point A to point B. Well, tonight I took him outside after the sun had set but was still light out. The temperature was perfect just a slight breeze not even enough to move your hair but you can feel the coolness of it passing by. And the fireflies were out dancing about the yard. And then it hit me, I didn't have a care in the world at the moment. The evening was beautifully lit with fireflies and the last light of the day. I couldn't have asked for a better end to the weekend. I hate to see it go so quickly. Sigh
Sunday, June 11, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:02 PM 1 comments
One day at a time...
I have come to a better understanding of the phrase, TGIF. And boy is it a TGIF. Well to me it's still Thursday, but at the moment it is early in the morning, real early, so it applies. So life has been good this week. It has been quite and very low key. I love that. It's been mostly me with my mom. We've played Puzzle Pirates several times so far. I think she addicted. This last Sunday after we ate, that's all we did. We must have played for 7-8 hours easily. But it wasn't just the game, my mom has been stressed and worries all the time so we played and forgot all our worries. It was nice. I look forward to Sundays. I look forward to sleep actually. I hope that when I grow up and have a real job, when I get my career up and going, I want to pick my own hours and still get paid a bunch. I really just want to create things anything pertaining to the computer. Be it building one, or creating a website, or putting together the best 3d animation movie you've ever seen. (Not that that will happen, but I can dream right?) Anyway, the point is, I hate waking up early. I never have liked it. Although, the best is when my Dad comes in and scrathes my back to wake me up. Ahhhhh, heaven. My favorite thing of all time is a good, and I mean good back scratch. I would pay for one of those. With real money, not just Mononpoly money. :) I think it's late and I'm not making any sense so I better stop here before I say something dumb, cause obviously I'm heading in that direction. Well goodnight all. And TGIF!
Friday, June 09, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Well Happy H - E - double hockey sticks day!!
Not that we should celebrate it, but all day I was writing the date and I felt weird. I didn't like it. Thank goodness it's almost over. I wish I had some funny story to write about, but really, I don't have one, do I ever? My Dad and sister are gone for the week to girl's camp. I'm excited about that. I get the room all to myself and I can have the light on later into the night. Jenny tends to go to bed early, like around 10 or 11. I on the other hand don't go to bed until after midnight at least. So it's nice, I can make as much noise as I want to make. I also registered for classes today for the fall. That was good to get that done. One more thing I can check off my list of things to do. Other things include mow the lawn sometime this week. (It's getting really long and no one likes to do it) I may also join the National Gaurd so I can get free songs from iTunes. :)
I'm just kidding. I will tell all a secret though, I might invest in a new computer case. Do I need it? No. Do I want it, HECK YES I DO. I have talked about getting a clear case for years before they even were invented. I was going to fabricate my own, but they beat me to the punch. Fine with me, that way they look better. I want to get a clear case so that the lights inside the computer can flash and make it look all cool. I know how chessey that sounds to you all, but this stuff is my passion. I live for this stuff. Well, anyway, I need to go to bed. But here is a picture of a clear case that I might invest.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Work Should be fun right?
Well I started my new job this week on Tuesday. I basically am an assistant to an assistant. :) How low on the totem pole can you get? I actually have a good job. I love that I get to sit all day, have an hour lunch, with two "smoking breaks" on top of that. I also get my own computer, phone and desk. In that order. I work from 8-5 and come home so tired. I've actually fallen asleep in my chair... a couple of times. My three main bosses are lawyers, which makes work fun. I get to pull legal files on lawsuits. I will finish this up tomorrow. I need to go to bed...
Monday, June 05, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:49 AM 0 comments