I decided to update the blog. It's been awhile since I last did anything with this.
As you can tell from the picture that I have started to read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. So far it's good. I'm only to the 7th chapter, so not far enough in to really judge how I like it, but judging from his other book, I'm sure I'll like this one. I haven't had an awful lot of time to read and when I do have the time, I devote it to other things. At the moment time is prescious and a rare commodity, especially alone time. I'm hoping to have this read before the summer's end (I'm sure I will, but I want to keep the goal realistic). So enough about the book.
My Dad and sister are going to Youth Conference this weekend. So again, it will be mostly just my mom and me. She's already got the weekend planned. Sigh. (At least a movie and puzzle pirates fits into her plans, I just hope sleeping in is on her list too.)
So we bombed the house this past Saturday. We found out later that we only needed to be out of the house for 2 hours instead of 4. Oh well, James and I had fun. We went to the computer and video game stores. We just like to look at all the "toys". My parents on the other hand sat in the backyard and buzzed both of our dogs. Bandit, our toy poddle hates to be shaved, well they both do, be he more so than Jasmine. They each took between 1-2 hours to cut. I've learned from watching and from doing, that I will never, even if my life depended upon it, be a dog groomer. It's back breaking work. Thank goodess people sit still for their haircuts.
Well, I've earned my keep at my job. They love that I know the little secrets about the computer and how things work. If they only knew. Sometimes I think of myself as a fraud when it comes to what people think of me and my knowledge about the computer. I've sat in my classes at school and just sit in awe at what other people know. Then I come home and people think I know everything there is to know. I'm not complaining, I'm just stating that sometimes I think I let people think too highly of me. Sure I know some things. But for what I want to do in my lifetime as a profession, as a career, I see a long bumby road before I get there. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off on the tanget. I was just getting at that I feel like I am fitting in at work and that I've earned my keep. I fear because I still sometimes have nothing to do, that they will let me go. It sits in the back of my mind everyday, but from what I've heard, I shouldn't worry, but yet I still do. I'm good at that. I like to worry. It helps me feel like I'm doing something at least. I get it from my mother. Anyway, I'm going to read and hopefully fall asleep soon. Morning comes too quickly. To all who read this, good night.
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
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