I have been longing to go to a movie all week. A couple of times I almost went straight after work, but I refrained. I came home this evening declaring my desire and didn't care if anyone was going to come with me or not. I have several movies on my "to watch" list and tonight I scratched "The Devil wears Prada" off of it. I liked it. And am grateful I am comfortable with who I am. This is where the venting comes in. If you don't want to read it, that's fine just skip to the next paragraph. The past three or four movies I've been with a certain person and each time this certain person, who shall be named Betty, has somehow made it all about themselves and how the world is so hard and makes everyone miserable and then when one does not respond Betty assumes you are mad at her. Honestly, I can not wait to get out of here. It will be awhile before I go to a movie with Betty again. I am sorry to all those who read this, I just needed to vent for a minute. Too many emotions being locked up that they started to seep out.
Moving on. I think if my brother isn't working I will take him to go see Superman Returns. I like watching movies with him. I also wanted to see Lake House and Nacho Libre. And of course when they come out, Pirates 2 and Lady in the Water. I think that's the longest "to watch" list I've had in a long time. We'll see if I actually watch them all.
As to the current poll, yes it was the Motzerella Sticks, yummy. I could go for some now. And green is my favorite color. But blue is a close second.
I annouced to my family that my boss gave me Monday off and now I suddenly have chores to do. I can either get them done tomorrow or wait until Monday or Tuesday. Sigh When does school start? It's not soon enough. :) I need to find a husband. Anyone know of anyone I might steal away with?
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
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