This entry is to recognize the birth of my mom's blog. Yeah for my mom in moving one step closer to the modern age. :) I ended up helping her for a couple of hours (with breaks in between). I was showing her the ropes so that next time she won't need my help. Catch a fish for a man and the man eats for a day, teach a man how to fish and the man eats for the rest of his life. That's what I was going for. Let's see if it worked.
Rachel, I apologize for this entry being late. I told you I would have it up last night. I forgot and when I woke up this morning I was thinking "crap, I forgot to do that". So here it is.
Birth of the blog
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Here's what started it all...
This is the mess that caused me 48 hours of quality thinking and alone time! Well, alone time from people I knew at least. And in that quality thinking time, I decided that I would see this event and inconvenience as "the glass half full". For example, I got to people watch all day, I was able to get to Kansas City without spending an extra dollar on a ticket or rental. I got about 100 pages of reading in. I have my luggage even though it went one way and I went the other. Yeah for the light at the end of the tunnel. I do have to say that I really like Southwest Airlines. I just want to put that out there. They were very helpful. When I would call their customer service number, there was always someone there to answer my questions and help me with whatever I needed instead of some recording. I know they had no control over the airport being open or closed, but boy did they try everything to get people where ever they needed to be. Here's to Southwest! I think I am an even more loyal customer. Well all you faithful bloggers, I am going to go to bed now, it is about that time. Happy Saturday! I'm sleeping in!!!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 2:40 AM 1 comments
Snowed In
I hate holiday/end of semester travel!!! I have just spent the better part of the day cleaning and packing up my crap here in Rexburg so that I can be ready to leave this morning at 6:30 to arrive on time for my 1:35 flight out of SLC to Denver. AHHH, I'm sore and bored and have just found out that my flight home has been cancelled due to the huge amount of snow dumped in Denver. I may never get home! Ahh. Good thing I packed some food, games and my iPod with me. I'm going to spend my Christmas vacation in SLC's airport. Yes! At least I'll have time to explore all their shops. Hey, I might even get something as a souvenir to mark this page in my life. I never thought it would happen to me to be honest. I'm almost tempted to take my pillow with me so that I can sleep where ever I may be, be it a hallway or a very uncomfortable chair. AHHH, I hate the holidays! I hate packing! I hate stupid weather! [singing] I hate everyone!
Thursday, December 21, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 3:39 AM 0 comments
My December
"This is My December [entry]. This is my time of the year... and I'd give it all away just to have somewhere to go to, give it all away to have someone to come home to." I love Linkin Park!
This really isn't my time of the year, I'd rather claim summer and hide under a book. I was listening to this song on my way back from class this morning and forgot how much I love this song. I'm looking forward to going home in a couple of weeks. It's always nice to go home. What scares me is that I will only want to be there for a short time and then I know I'll go stir crazy. I hate that my life is up in the air being driven without the wind or something to point me in a direction. I have no direction and I'm fed up with it! Oh and by the way, happy birthday to me.
Thursday, December 07, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 2:45 PM 2 comments
Only on Tuesdays
I never knew how hard yoga was! Oh my, am I in for a ride. I only did about 20 minutes cause my stupid shoulder couldn't take anymore. So I'm sitting in my bed watching the rest of the dvd. Boy does she make it look easy. I'm sure as I do this more that my shoulder will be more strecthed out, but it is more entertaining watching than doing. I'll tell you what though, I'm going to be one flexible chica when this is all said and done.
I have finished watching the first disc of Grey's, and I'm enjoying every minute of it! Rachel, why didn't you make me watch this a long time ago? I have become a busy girl just keeping up with all of my shows. Who has time for games anymore? I sure don't. Well I'm going to try and get some sleep. I wish everyone a very merry Tuesday. I have always enjoyed Tuesdays for some reason. Only on Tuesdays I say.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 2:25 AM 0 comments
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me?
I just got back from Thanksgiving break in Boise. I stayed with Rachel's family and loved every minute of it. When I pulled up to my apartment, I just stared at it and thought of how I might get away, but then the cold knocked some sense into me. Guess what, I'm not being social with my roommates either, I am down in my dungen cell and unpacking my crap and am about to start watching Grey's Anatomy. Rachel was kind enough to let me borrow her first two seasons so
that I might catch up with the current. Yes, I am addicted. My name is Rachael and I am a newly formed Grey's addict who just wants to sit in her room and sulk while watching Grey's. But first, I'm going to enjoy some roman noodles, oh and cheesecake. Yum
Rachel and I exchanged Christmas gifts and I'm excited for mine! Rachel got me Flags of Our Fathers. I have been meaning to read this one for awhile.
Well, I'm off to have "alone time".
Before I forget, Rachel, will you email me that quote about names? Thanks.
Sunday, November 26, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Deck the halls with something
I'm so glad the holidays are coming up. Not that I enjoy them for the spirit, cause I don't. I only really look forward to them because it's vacation time. I get to sleep as long as I want, stay up as long as I want and not feel guilty for doing so. So bring on the turkey, I'll eat as much of it as I can so I can become lethargic and pass out. :) Deck those halls with something so I can sleep with my heated blanket in a cool room with a fresh blanket of snow outside. Now that's what I call a vacation. Oh and a good book.
I decided I would find a website that would allow me to share my pictures with those that I care to share. So... I went hunting and found flickr. To make it easier for those of you that care, I added a link in my link section on the right. Let me know what anyone and everyone thinks.
Monday, November 20, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Part Two
Rachel and I went out with her two aunts to see that movie, A Good Year. Um... don't see it, it's a confusing movie and it wasn't worth the money to see it in the theatre. If you want to see it, rent it. I just didn't get it, none of us did.
This is a picture of Rachel and me at the Pike's Market in Seattle. We were really lucky that day, we wondered all over and when it was time to head back the rain started. I can't tell you how much fun I had! This past weekend was a much needed break from life, school, and everything else. I realized that I need to travel more. I have always enjoyed it, but don't go with the right people and don't go often. I need to find a job with lots of business trips. No, actually, I need to inherit lots of money and just disappear for awhile. Well, whatever happens in my life, I need to get out more and see the world.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Our Sabbatical
At the moment I am sitting in Olympia, Washington enjoying what Rachel termed our sabbatical, and I'm loving every minute of it so far. I left Rexburg on Wednesday the 8th and drove to Boise, then flew out of Boise with Rachel to Seattle. "The Germans" picked us up at the airport. I have to admit the only thing that has disappointed me is that it is a bit cold and I can't wear my shorts. Not that it is cold, cause I don't mind that, it's just that I packed my shorts and can't wear them. But then that's my own stupid fault, for goodness sakes, it's November. I just had a hope that maybe it would be warm. Next time I'll use my head.
I think Seattle and Olympia are very pretty and green, I could really live here. I love Rachel's grandparents. I have enjoyed spending time with them and the rest of her extended family. I can see where she gets many of her traits. Tonight we are going to Russel Crowe's new movie, A Good Year, with her two aunts. I'm excited, I can already tell I'm in for a treat.
Tomorrow we are going to spend time in Seattle and wonder around. I will add pictures later.
Friday, November 10, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Good ole days
Happy Halloween everyone. I really don't like the holiday, but thought for those who do enjoy it, I thought I'd wish you happiness on the day.
I have renewed my love for my show, Battlestar Galactica. Season 3 has been in full force and I am loving every minute of it. I can't get enough of it. I almost want to stop watching it and wait for the dvd's to come out so I can watch it uninterupted. DVD's have spoiled me. I have seen the light and am having trouble going back. I also was reading about the similarities between the show and the LDS church. I think it's awesome that they have mingled bits and pieces of our faith into the show.
Got distracted, I'm back now. We just watched Aladdin. I love that movie. I can quote much of it. I wish Disney made movies like they used to. Ah, the good ole days are gone and past. Now I'm in the mood to watch Beauty and the Beast. That's another good one. Well all you faithful readers in blogger land, I'm off to bed. I need to find out what happens next in my book. I was up late last night reading and forced myself to put it down.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:13 AM 1 comments
Ode to short entries
I really don't have anything to report, but I felt I needed to write...
I watched Fun with Dick and Jane tonight. I love that movie!!!! But I've learned a very important lesson; to watch it with people who are in a laughing mood and who think it's funny too. Ahhh.
Well that's about all I have to say about that.
Saturday, October 14, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 3:54 AM 1 comments
Previously in Rachael's life...
I really need to find a way to stay regular with this thing if I "expect" others to do the same. I really haven't been up to much. Rachel came and visited this past weekend. I had a blast, it was just like old times. We even went to Cragios, although I have to admit. I don't like the new cragios very well. I've been twice now and the first was a great experience. I had an amazing waitress. The second, not so good. Oh well.
I went on a date, if you can call it that, on Saturday with Tony "Little" Farnsworth. This boy confuses the heck out of me. Sometimes I think he's interested, but then most of the time I have no idea what he wants out me. I'm fine being friends, but he needs to let me know that, cause maybe I want to dress in my jeans and tshirts dang it. For our "date" we went to Guitars Unplugged. I had fun, I can't say the same thing for him. He didn't like the show, but he will tell you he liked the light show. (Shaking my head). Ahhhh. I love music. I need to find someone who appreciates MY type of music and not just what is happening around the music!! My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it. (sigh) One day...
One of my roommates has a birthday this weekend and there is going to be a party and all I can think of is how can I get out of this. I'm so bad. I really don't want to be here. And on top of it all, she is turning 21 so she thinks she's hot stuff. Get me out of here!!! I'm ready to graduate. I'm ready to get a steady job and start paying off my school debt. If only I could find that perfect job that you forget you're working. That's my goal in life.
Speaking of birthdays, it's my nephew's birthday next Friday. He's turning 4. I can't believe how quickly time flys. I've been home from my mission for 2 years now last Friday. It's kinda sad to think about...
Well, I've ranted enough for one night. Hope all is well with everyone. Until next time, adios.
Thursday, October 12, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:22 AM 1 comments
Blessed Sabbaths
Blessed Sabbaths. I love Sundays. I love that it is just a day to relax. I'm thinking about going to the gardens and taking pictures. Not sure that it will actually happen, but I have good intentions.
I feel I need to put in a picture, I haven't done that for awhile. So here ya go. This is a picture of my niece, Kimberly. The last time I went over to my sister's house to visit, she kept wanting to sit on my lap. It's nice to be loved.
So I have nothing really to say. Sorry this so short, next time I will make it longer. Sorry about before, now the picture is uploaded. She has a pop tart in her hand and is just chilling in her "Mike" slippers. She's just so cute. I can't lie, she is my favorite. I love hanging out with her!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 6:01 PM 2 comments
I'm Back!!
I made it to Rexburg in one piece. My dad and I made the 1,279 mile trip in 19 1/2 hours. Google map says it's supposed to take 21 hours and 9 minutes. Don't worry, we didn't speed. I think the fastest we ever went was 80. The secret? We took a shortcut through some back roads. I'm glad my dad helped me drive. I was tired, but then all the things I do to help me stay awake, I really couldn't do with another passenger. I blast my music and sing along at the top of my lungs. A little slapping of the face too helps. And last but not least place face against window for a chilling shock effect. (It works, trust me.) It's nice to be back here. Although I have been a bit bored. At home we had a routine and it was nice. Here, I sit on my butt and think of something to do that won't take all $.
So far, all the roommates are ones I can get along with. This is good. Maybe I'll luck out and it will stay that way.
Classes are going well. I've only gone to one and that was for 15 minutes... but it's great. Tomorrow is the real test. I have all my "hard" classes MWF. But even then I finish at 11am. So I really can't complain.
This whole time zone change is catching up to me. It's not even 10 yet and I'm ready to go to sleep. I'm tired. Dang it.
Sorry, this is all old news. But there really isn't much to say. Oh, I did finish a whole large pizza from Cragios. It was really good. I had pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner today! Now that's the life. I didn't have to cook a thing. Oh, that just reminded me of our dinners each night, sad. I miss those. Rachel, you need to come out here...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Emotional people... beware the "welp"
15 days. That has to be some sort of record for not writing in my blog. It's actually 12 days too long. I should have written long ago.
I am now offically free. I have earned my freedom from Nations Holding Company. I loved working there. That's the first place I can say that about. Really the thing that tops it all is that I could sit all day long. They led to the fact that I was welcome back, but I don't know if I will. We'll see when the time comes.
Thursday is going to be a busy relaxed day, if that exsists. I am loading up my truck and doing last minute packing, but then I am sleeping in, going out with my mom and I doing a couple or errands. I like days like that. Busy, but not stressed.
It was good talking to you tonight, Rachel. I hadn't laughed that much in awhile. It felt good. I will text you tomorrow night when I leave and will call you when I get to Rexburg. It'll be a long trip, but Dad is good company so it will be a pleasant trip. We are going to watch movies on my laptop! I'm excited.
Something interesting happened Monday. The RS pres and I were going to go out for lunch, but ended up going for frozen custard (yummy). You have to understand that she is like me in regards to being shy and reserved. So this calling has been stressful on her. We sat and talked for sometime and I couldn't believe she asked me how I deal with my Mom when she is stressed. I never thought about it. Cause honestly, she's been stressed my whole life, I haven't known my mom any different. So instead I ended up giving her advice on how to deal with stress. I reminded me of my good old mission days when I was told I was worth $100 an hour for all the things I did. Giving good wholesome advice, listening, stuff like that. What I don't get is, why do they ask me. I'm half their age, never married, no kids, hardly any world experience. What do I have to offer. HF has an interesting way of working cause what came out of my mouth was what she needed to hear. I love to be a witness of things like that. How I love the gospel.
Sorry, I didn't mean to go into all that. So, my family was getting all sappy today. I don't like that. I'd rather just say, "welp, see ya later". This illistrates why I want to elope to the temple. There's no build up of all these emotions from other people and I stay out of the spot light. So Rachel, or anyone else reading this, if you get a postcard in the mail saying either I'm getting married in a week, or saying FYI I got married, don't be surprised. In fact, expect it. So far my plan is to get married in the Nauvoo Temple. We'll see if it really happens though.
I think I'm going to get in another episode of 24 before I call it a night.
Thursday, August 31, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Dub a Dub Dub
Well today was a forever long day at work. I finished a project that I had been working for two days. And now that I'm leaving shortly, everyone is piling projects on me. Going from bored to tears to don't even know where to begin. I put in my two week notice today. I went online to see how people suggest doing it. What caught me off gaurd was that you really don't have to give a two week notice. I knew it was a nice thing to do, but is not required, at least so says the internet. But it's been wrong before. So I gave it to my boss in an email. That was a hard email to write. My boss who is a lawyer (which scares me right there) also majored in English. Everytime I am around that man or have to write an email to him, I spend 15 minutes just writing a short paragraph. But I got through it. Phew.
Then after work, we had a sister from the ward and the Missionaries over for dinner. It was fun. It was one of the missionaries last night before he goes home. Since they didn't have any appointments we play Jotts and Tittles. We played on teams and I was with Jenny, needless to say, we lost badly. I haven't lost that game that badly in a long time. We kept getting hard question after hard question. Oh well, I guess I can lose once and awhile. Otherwise it's not fun. Our family decided to take pictures of all the missionaries that come into our home from now on. So we took their pictures. I think it would be neat to have. Too bad we hadn't been doing it before. We have them over all the time since Dad is the Bishop. We tell them to always come over when they don't have a dinner appointment. Anyway, here's their picture. Elders Coffinfield (I think that's his name) and Liniquist.
After they left I was talking to my Dad about movies and I asked him where all our vhs tapes were. Then got to thinking, I wonder if I can hook a vcr up to a computer and capture the movie and burn it to a dvd? We have that vcr/dvd combo thing that will do it for you, but I've never had much sucess with it. The movie also seems to be too long for the dvd and doesn't finish recording it. So I will try to "dub" it on my computer sometime this week (if I feel up to it) I'd like to get it to work cause we have some really good movies on vhs. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
I finished my book today. It's the 5th book this summer. I have two more on my "to read" list, but won't have enough summer left to accomplish it. I wonder how many pages I've read this summer. The book I just finished was almost 800. I bet it's around 3000 pages. Well, I'm off to study the dubbing process. Cheers.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:29 PM 1 comments
So here it is... the update. My weekend is long gone and I am yet again sad over my loss. But you are correct in that I only have a couple more "Mondays", at least until classes start again. I am ready to leave!! Sorry for the brevity, but it is late already and I must arise with the sun. Enjoy the changes to the sidebar. I will think at work what my new poll question shall be. So look for that. Be excited, I sure am. Oh, side note, I may have found a new group that is worthy of a listening ear; JamisonParker. Check them out and let me know what you think. Their cd Sleepwalker will be coming your way if you're interested.
Monday, August 14, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Jolly Roger
This is for you Rachel. Like I said, I was at Target and was just wondering around and found this shirt and I had to have it. We both know it has hidden meanings for me. Hahahahahaha. And an extra bonus, it's really soft. I love my new shirt. I should have bought more just to put aside and wear after this one gets retired. Anyway, it was good to talk to you earlier tonight. Well, I'm off to bed early tonight so I don't fall asleep in my chair at work tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:37 PM 1 comments
I had an ah ha moment on Friday. As you may or may not know, I left work at noon and enjoyed a slightly enlongated weekend. I realized that I would still be at work for another 5 hours!! That killed me. That's a long time. So today all I could think about when I got to work was how long I'd be there. Ah, I can't wait to have a job I love and that's fun. At least this will look good on my pittiful reasume.
So I finally finished the first season of Lost. I liked it. I will have to get the second season DVD somehow and start watching the third season that starts this October. I also got the first disc of Smallville's first season. I liked it. I may pick that show up too. I'm going to be glued to the tv come this fall. I don't know that that's a good thing.
My Dad is out of town for the week on the high adventure with the Scotts. They are going canoeing up in Iowa. My Dad was really excited about the trip. (I realized I hadn't finished my thoughts.) Oh well, the jist of the story is my Dad is gone for the week. Enough said.
Monday, July 31, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Mission: Impossible
So I'm so excited it's almost Friday. My sleep sucking job is almost over for the week! :) So I've decided to write another entry and yet I have nothing to speak of. I updated the poll. This one may prove to be difficult. At least if someone asked me this question. I've only looked people in the eye on rare occasions so I couldn't tell you what your eye color is. I can't even tell you what color my parents' are. Oh well... good luck to all who endeavor to accomplish the impossible task in my book.
Thursday, July 20, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Clockwise Consistancy
Saturday I babysat a little girl under a year old and had the best time. She was easy to watch. She just wanted to play with one of those plastic eggs at Easter time. She loved that thing. Anyway, I got bored just watching her play with the egg, so I pulled out my camera and took some pictures of just stuff. I've come to really enjoy taking pictures. So I fear for all you faithful readers out there that my blog is going to be full of them. I may even one day put in a link to a web photo album. We'll see how bored I get another time. Anyway. I hope you all don't find it boring to look at them. I'll try to keep it interesting. So Enjoy. As you look at these pictures I will
update you all on my life. I'm 24 still and still respond with 23 when asked how old I am, not because I am trying to hide how old I am, but because 24 just doesn't seem to roll off my tounge. I think this is how the whole "lie about your age" thing happened, pure innocence. :) I'm still working the same old job. I like my job, but just wish I was more busy. I am reading a new author and really enjoying her. Robin Hobb is her name and for those who read Sci-fi/Fantasy she's a good one to pick up. Hmmm, I spoke to the YW last Wednesday about my mission. This is another reason I don't tell the world I served a mission. Don't get me wrong, I loved every bit of it, but sometimes, I don't want to talk about it, and even more don't want to talk about it in front of a group of people. I must have put on three coats of deodorant. :) Not really, but I felt like I needed
that much. My sister has made me watch her first season of LOST. So far I've watched 5 episodes. Its good, and intense. I was just thinking that I don't have a show to call my own. All the shows I watch are because of someone else. Hmmm, I need to work on that. (Actually, no, I don't like spending a bunch of time in front of the tv, so nevermind) What else can I blab about? I watched Extreme Makeover: House Edition on Sunday and got misty eyed. I felt stupid for that one. I'm going to blame it on the every blamable girl things, cause I can. :) July is half over. The toilet water still spins the sameway everytime I flush. Thank goodness for consistancy.
Monday, July 17, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Happy 4th of July
I took these pictures at the Royals' game tonight. That's a huge flag. I don't know what got into me either, cause when they started to sing the national anthem, I got misty eyes. I love this country, but never got misty eyed before. Hmmm, I think it must be horpmones.
Some fireworks over the stadium.
The Royals played The Minnesota Twins and kicked their butts'. Royals 7 Twins 2. Go Royals.
Well, I hope everyone had a great vaction, it's back to our life suckers tomorrow. Oh well. Happy 4th everyone!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Worth a thousand words
I decided to enjoy the outside this afternoon. It was a beatiful calm day so I got out my camera and started playing with the settings. Here's some of the pictures I took.
I took some scenic pictures too. I thought this one was cool. A feather was caught in a web. Click on the picture to get a better view. It was hard to get the focal point on the feather, but I think I got close.
This one though is my favorite. My mom has a green thumb and had some flowers in the backyard. I took both black and white and color photos but thought the bw looked cooler.
Well, I hope all is well with everyone. Happy 4th. I'm excited, we're going to have a bbq. I love bbqs. My dad is a good cook. I can eat so much of that stuff. But I'm more excited about the fireworks. I've always liked them. Anyway, I'm grateful to live in this free country and am grateful for all those who have and are now giving of themselves to keep it that way.
Saturday, July 01, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Sometimes you just need to vent
I have been longing to go to a movie all week. A couple of times I almost went straight after work, but I refrained. I came home this evening declaring my desire and didn't care if anyone was going to come with me or not. I have several movies on my "to watch" list and tonight I scratched "The Devil wears Prada" off of it. I liked it. And am grateful I am comfortable with who I am. This is where the venting comes in. If you don't want to read it, that's fine just skip to the next paragraph. The past three or four movies I've been with a certain person and each time this certain person, who shall be named Betty, has somehow made it all about themselves and how the world is so hard and makes everyone miserable and then when one does not respond Betty assumes you are mad at her. Honestly, I can not wait to get out of here. It will be awhile before I go to a movie with Betty again. I am sorry to all those who read this, I just needed to vent for a minute. Too many emotions being locked up that they started to seep out.
Moving on. I think if my brother isn't working I will take him to go see Superman Returns. I like watching movies with him. I also wanted to see Lake House and Nacho Libre. And of course when they come out, Pirates 2 and Lady in the Water. I think that's the longest "to watch" list I've had in a long time. We'll see if I actually watch them all.
As to the current poll, yes it was the Motzerella Sticks, yummy. I could go for some now. And green is my favorite color. But blue is a close second.
I annouced to my family that my boss gave me Monday off and now I suddenly have chores to do. I can either get them done tomorrow or wait until Monday or Tuesday. Sigh When does school start? It's not soon enough. :) I need to find a husband. Anyone know of anyone I might steal away with?
Friday, June 30, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Roses aren't always red, they can be yellow too
So my poll is a smashing hit! Someone other than me voted!! :) Thanks for voting Rachel. Although I will say one of us got it right and the other did not, I won't say who though. Results of the first poll, Blue - 1 vote Green - 1 vote.
I'm sitting outside the house where Jenny, my sister is taking voice lessons. I brought my laptop hoping by chance I could pick up wireless in the neighborhood and I was right! Yeah for wireless. So instead of doing something productive as I await her return, I write.
So far my week is going well. I'm excited that tomorrow is the middle of the week. Time seems to be flying by and that's fine by me. I love the benefits of work ($$$), but I hate having my day taken away. Enough about work. I'm almost done reading Angels and Demons. I'm engrossed! I can't put it down. I've been reading it on my lunch break out in my truck (it's quite there) and the next thing I know, I haven't eaten my sandwich and it's time to go back to work. :) I love a good book! I need to find another one to pick up after this one is done. Any suggestions? Any suggestions on poll questions?
I have found a new love. I love Chedder Chex Mix. I have started eating it at work like it's going out of style. I highly recommend it. Welp, I think I'm going to read for the balance of my waiting time.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 7:15 PM 4 comments
I made some improvements...
If you will all take a moment to notice some new things I added. First off the obvious one, I added a poll to the right. I don't know how often I will change the question, but I thought I'd give it a try. Next, at the bottom, I added a counter. I am curious how many people really do read my thoughts and rantings. I'm excited for these changes. Everyone, let me know what you think especially about the poll.
Now for this weekend. Today I didn't go to singles ward. Mostly cause I don't like it to be honest. So I went to my family ward. It was a nice change of pace. We'll see which ward I continue to attend. Yesterday, I spent most of the day at Sister Howell's apartment fixing her computer. I reinstalled windows twice until coming to the conclusion it was the modem that needed to replaced. So we took a trip to one of my favorite stores of all time, Hypertech Computers. They just sell parts and I could spend hours there, so we bought a new modem for her and was able to fix her computer. For payment she took me to a hamburger place called Fuddruckers. It was really good. I may have to continue patroning. Anyway, I'm off to bed.
Monday, June 26, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:17 AM 2 comments
Just ignore the flash in the center, didn't feel like removing it. I took a picture of my frame to show off the finished product. I finally finished it. I was proud of myself. Although it's not perfect, I had to get a little creative to make it work. I think it looks good. [pat myself on back] I'm excited to hang it on my, well, my sister's wall. Maybe I'll just put in on the floor next to the bed... Just kidding... well sort of. :) Rachel, I got the new Keane cd. I haven't listened to it yet, but I will let you know what I think and if you want a copy, and I'm sure you do, I will send one your way. Just let me know.
Hmmm, I'm out of things to write, but I don't like it when the text doesn't line up with the bottom of the picture at least, so I'm going to ramble about nothing. Let's see, new things in my life? Nope. Still love the color green. Still hate the mornings. Still LOVE music. Wish I had more time in the day, or didn't work so many hours. I bought red vines, yummy! Can't wait to... you fill in the blank. Welp, I made it so I'm going to bed.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:02 AM 1 comments
It's been awhile...
I decided to update the blog. It's been awhile since I last did anything with this.
As you can tell from the picture that I have started to read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. So far it's good. I'm only to the 7th chapter, so not far enough in to really judge how I like it, but judging from his other book, I'm sure I'll like this one. I haven't had an awful lot of time to read and when I do have the time, I devote it to other things. At the moment time is prescious and a rare commodity, especially alone time. I'm hoping to have this read before the summer's end (I'm sure I will, but I want to keep the goal realistic). So enough about the book.
My Dad and sister are going to Youth Conference this weekend. So again, it will be mostly just my mom and me. She's already got the weekend planned. Sigh. (At least a movie and puzzle pirates fits into her plans, I just hope sleeping in is on her list too.)
So we bombed the house this past Saturday. We found out later that we only needed to be out of the house for 2 hours instead of 4. Oh well, James and I had fun. We went to the computer and video game stores. We just like to look at all the "toys". My parents on the other hand sat in the backyard and buzzed both of our dogs. Bandit, our toy poddle hates to be shaved, well they both do, be he more so than Jasmine. They each took between 1-2 hours to cut. I've learned from watching and from doing, that I will never, even if my life depended upon it, be a dog groomer. It's back breaking work. Thank goodess people sit still for their haircuts.
Well, I've earned my keep at my job. They love that I know the little secrets about the computer and how things work. If they only knew. Sometimes I think of myself as a fraud when it comes to what people think of me and my knowledge about the computer. I've sat in my classes at school and just sit in awe at what other people know. Then I come home and people think I know everything there is to know. I'm not complaining, I'm just stating that sometimes I think I let people think too highly of me. Sure I know some things. But for what I want to do in my lifetime as a profession, as a career, I see a long bumby road before I get there. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off on the tanget. I was just getting at that I feel like I am fitting in at work and that I've earned my keep. I fear because I still sometimes have nothing to do, that they will let me go. It sits in the back of my mind everyday, but from what I've heard, I shouldn't worry, but yet I still do. I'm good at that. I like to worry. It helps me feel like I'm doing something at least. I get it from my mother. Anyway, I'm going to read and hopefully fall asleep soon. Morning comes too quickly. To all who read this, good night.
Monday, June 19, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:02 PM 0 comments
I had one of those moments...
I love it when it happens. I wish I could bottle it up and open it when I need a true sense of peace. One of my nightly activities is to take Bandit, our toy poodle, out to do his business before he retires for the night. I love taking him out cause he's mellow. He and I are buds. He's old and blind and will eventually get from point A to point B. Well, tonight I took him outside after the sun had set but was still light out. The temperature was perfect just a slight breeze not even enough to move your hair but you can feel the coolness of it passing by. And the fireflies were out dancing about the yard. And then it hit me, I didn't have a care in the world at the moment. The evening was beautifully lit with fireflies and the last light of the day. I couldn't have asked for a better end to the weekend. I hate to see it go so quickly. Sigh
Sunday, June 11, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 10:02 PM 1 comments
One day at a time...
I have come to a better understanding of the phrase, TGIF. And boy is it a TGIF. Well to me it's still Thursday, but at the moment it is early in the morning, real early, so it applies. So life has been good this week. It has been quite and very low key. I love that. It's been mostly me with my mom. We've played Puzzle Pirates several times so far. I think she addicted. This last Sunday after we ate, that's all we did. We must have played for 7-8 hours easily. But it wasn't just the game, my mom has been stressed and worries all the time so we played and forgot all our worries. It was nice. I look forward to Sundays. I look forward to sleep actually. I hope that when I grow up and have a real job, when I get my career up and going, I want to pick my own hours and still get paid a bunch. I really just want to create things anything pertaining to the computer. Be it building one, or creating a website, or putting together the best 3d animation movie you've ever seen. (Not that that will happen, but I can dream right?) Anyway, the point is, I hate waking up early. I never have liked it. Although, the best is when my Dad comes in and scrathes my back to wake me up. Ahhhhh, heaven. My favorite thing of all time is a good, and I mean good back scratch. I would pay for one of those. With real money, not just Mononpoly money. :) I think it's late and I'm not making any sense so I better stop here before I say something dumb, cause obviously I'm heading in that direction. Well goodnight all. And TGIF!
Friday, June 09, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Well Happy H - E - double hockey sticks day!!
Not that we should celebrate it, but all day I was writing the date and I felt weird. I didn't like it. Thank goodness it's almost over. I wish I had some funny story to write about, but really, I don't have one, do I ever? My Dad and sister are gone for the week to girl's camp. I'm excited about that. I get the room all to myself and I can have the light on later into the night. Jenny tends to go to bed early, like around 10 or 11. I on the other hand don't go to bed until after midnight at least. So it's nice, I can make as much noise as I want to make. I also registered for classes today for the fall. That was good to get that done. One more thing I can check off my list of things to do. Other things include mow the lawn sometime this week. (It's getting really long and no one likes to do it) I may also join the National Gaurd so I can get free songs from iTunes. :)
I'm just kidding. I will tell all a secret though, I might invest in a new computer case. Do I need it? No. Do I want it, HECK YES I DO. I have talked about getting a clear case for years before they even were invented. I was going to fabricate my own, but they beat me to the punch. Fine with me, that way they look better. I want to get a clear case so that the lights inside the computer can flash and make it look all cool. I know how chessey that sounds to you all, but this stuff is my passion. I live for this stuff. Well, anyway, I need to go to bed. But here is a picture of a clear case that I might invest.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Work Should be fun right?
Well I started my new job this week on Tuesday. I basically am an assistant to an assistant. :) How low on the totem pole can you get? I actually have a good job. I love that I get to sit all day, have an hour lunch, with two "smoking breaks" on top of that. I also get my own computer, phone and desk. In that order. I work from 8-5 and come home so tired. I've actually fallen asleep in my chair... a couple of times. My three main bosses are lawyers, which makes work fun. I get to pull legal files on lawsuits. I will finish this up tomorrow. I need to go to bed...
Monday, June 05, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:49 AM 0 comments
My new adventure is about to begin...
Thursday, I went in for an interview for this insurance company to do clerical work and got the job!! I was so excited. I told myself that if I got the job I was allowed to buy a new digital camera. (Plus the sale was too good to pass up) So here is my new camera. It is a Canon A620. I did some research on the latest cameras and it is the number 2 camera. The number 1 camera is this professional $800 camera that
is just way out of my league. Unless all you out there who read this blog (one, maybe two people) want to support me in the professional photography profession... No? So I guess I have to settle with the number 2 camera. :) Anyway, here is a picture of the back too. I liked this picture cause it is showing the earphones from an iPod. One of the things I like about this camera is the screen will pull out and turn.
It's nice when you are taking a picture of yourself. But you can also have the screen turned, facing the inside of the camera to protect it when not in use. I like that too. It's got a bunch of settings you can mess with to get the right effect you're going for. I took some pictures of myself actually. I had a good laugh at myself. Here's an example: But here is a better example. This one I'm not making a funny/stupid face. Please note that I took these pictures at or around 2 in the morning the other night. I was getting tired and was acting stupid.
So back to the better picture, here it is: There's more pictures where that came from, but who wants to see a bunch of pictures of me? Not me. So I'll leave it at these two. Oh man, I need to go to bed. I can't type straight. Plus I need to get up early for church. So I will say thanks for reading my rantings and ravings and sharing a good laugh once and a while. Goodnight. Oh and wish me luck on my new adventure of... work. Scary.
Sunday, May 28, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:27 AM 1 comments
Arr!! Ahoy maties.
I came to the realization today that I like pirates. It all started about hmm, maybe 10 years ago with High Seas Trader. The sad thing was we all loved the game and would have to set a timer so someone else could play. My family and our games. Good memories. This isn't the only game we have had to use a timer. Sad. Anyway, I started to replay this game two days ago. I love it!! The second proof I love pirates doesn't have a picture... and for those who know me know it is better that there are no pictures. :)
Wouldn't want any proof of that one. [cough cough] Moving on. The third is a game called Pirates! Not as fun as the first, but this did cause the timer to come out. This one has some dancing involved, sword duels with bad guys (cause pirates are not the bad guys) and oh course sinking of other people's ships and treasure!! Bring on the treasure hunt.
And the last of my pirate list is my new love, Puzzle Pirates. The sad thing is that it's online and I have tried to get my brother and sister to play but are not interested. They like the games that involve guns and shooting. Me, not so much. But I did however get my Mom into it! So we go on pilages together. It's tons of fun.
So tomorrow I am going to the dentist to get my annual cleaning. But what I am excited about this trip to the dreaded dentist is that I am going to get a consoltation about my two teeth in the front that did not come in correctly. One of which is pointed and the other twisted. My parents promised me that we'd get them fixed this summer. So I am off to talk to my dentist about them. It will be nice to have a normal smile for once in my life. It took me along time to be able to smile in pictures comfortably. So it will be nice to have them fixed. To bad I don't have any gold in my teeth, that way it would go better with the theme of pirates and treasure.
Monday, May 22, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Stuff and Things
I did it, I gave in and bought some tonight. All those stupid commericals worked. And then I went and did something stupid. I put them in the bed of my truck and by the time we made it back from target it had been tossed and shaken. And so alas I have to wait to try the brand new favor of Dr. Pepper Berries and Cream. I have heard nothing but praise for the thing and it was on sale. The cursed words. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really saving or I'm spending to save... Deep thoughts too late at night.
So for those who haven't seen, I revamped my parents business website. You can see it here: I'm rather proud of it. It took me the better part of today and last night (I was up until 4 working on it) to finish it and post it to the web. I am hoping that it will pave the way for other opportunities.
Thursday, May 18, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:20 AM 2 comments
Third times the charm...
Alright, I got one of my Sudoku books this weekend. Still waiting on the much anticipated third in the series. I've completed just under ten puzzles yesterday and today. Took it with me to the Jim Brickman concert. Which was good, but really isn't my favorite. Jim is my mom's favorite of all time. She has all but three of his albums, and he has a lot. But anyway, I took the book with me and the lady seated next to me thought it was funny that I had pulled my cell phone out as a light source to finish a puzzle when the house lights went down. I was almost done, I had four or five boxes left, I wasn't just going to put it down. Those who do sudoku would understand and most likely have done the same.
I also have been reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The story line is finally starting to pick up. I am hoping to have it read before Friday when my family is planning on seeing the movie. I'm really excited about the movie. I can just see it though, after the movie, my family will tear it apart and will make it less enjoyable to watch. I really don't like seeing movies with my parents. I love them, don't get me wrong, but it is hard to watch a movie with them, movie theatre or not.
For those wondering, no I still have not found a job. I'm still a hobo. I've messed up my biological clock too. I don't get tired until around three and don't wake up until around noon. I need to fix that...
To all those mothers out there, I hope your celebrated day was special. I am grateful for all mothers, but especially my own. Love you Mom! Thanks for inviting me to the concert.
Monday, May 15, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Couch Potato
So here I sit on my living room couch and I'm watching the game show network. As lame as that is, it's the life. I love game shows and I have the internet on my lap, what more can I ask for? So I've decided to call this entry the "couch potato". I haven't done much since I got home last night. Today I unloaded my truck and the uhaul, I returned the uhaul. Something I've never done. I also slept until about 10:30 this morning. I haven't slept that long in weeks. It was wonderful! I cleaned out the fridge for my mom, that was something productive... really, I don't know what happened today, I didn't do much. Let's see, what else can I write about? I just finished the longest trip of my life. I don't think I want to make it anymore. And if I do, I will not be taking as much crap with me. Well, I'm tired and I have my electric blanket waiting for me. Rachel, have fun in Maui. And to the rest of you that read this, leave me some comments.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:08 AM 2 comments
Count down
Here is a picture of my beautiful truck without the camper shell on it. I love it!!! It looks like a real truck! I feel more alive driving without that stupid shell. Now all I need to do is get rid of that visor thing with the lights... Oh man, it gives me warm fuzzies just thinking about it. :)
So I haven't written for awhile and Rachel has been hounding me to update this thing, so here ya go.
In the past week I've been really busy. Getting ready for finals, working on group projects, taking tests. Blah, blah, blah. The exciting thing we did this week involved sitting out on the porch and soaking in some sun and playing sudoku for hours on end. I kid you not, we were outside for 3-4 hours on Saturday. It was great. I'd do it all the time if I could. Speaking of sudoku, I finished my 200 puzzle book on Sunday. Those level 5's had me going. So now I'm working on my original book with the newspaper paper in it. (FYI, don't get the books with the newspaper paper) I still might go to Idaho Falls to get another book for my long trip back to Kansas. It all depends on my schedule this week and if time will permit. Ok, so back to what else happened on Saturday. Rachel got the great idea to burn the wood that has been sitting outside our apartment for maybe 8 or more months! We took the pile to Beaver Dick Park and built ourselves a little fire and made smores while listening to Coldplay! It was the best. Oh don't you worry, we took pictures! This first picture is of (from left to right) Rachel, Rachael, Brandy, Cassy. You can't tell because of the flash, but there is a fire in that pit. It only took one match too, I'm kinda proud of that.
On to picture number dos... So here we have Cassy, Rachel (wondering why it's taking so long to take the picture) and Rachael (enjoying the first smore of the night!) We are standing in front of the pretty lake at the park. It was really pretty there as the sun set that night. It made me want to camp there for the night. But alass the next day was Sunday and we couldn't... Oh well. Good times, good times.Ok, moving on... Picture numero three is of Rachael, Rachel, and Cassy. We are leaning over the fire cooking our marshmellows. Overall it was a great night. On a sad note, it's the last week of the semester and our little three-some friendship will be broken up. I'm really sad about it. I'll be going to home to no friends. I'm okay with it though, surpirsingly because Rachel and Cassy are the type of friends that you have for a lifetime. I've had a wonderful semester and wish in many ways that it would never end. But I guess all good things must come to an end.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:14 AM 2 comments
Run Rachael, Run
I'm going to finish the "race." No matter how hard it may seem, but I need to finish. I feel like I'm the one behind, always pulling up short no matter what I do. I've been having an internal struggle for quite sometime now, about 8 months worth. It's all about finishing school. Do I or don't I? That's the question. I've had it with school, I hate the busy work. But I don't want to just quit. I've come so far, but yet still see no light at the end. It's really frustrating. I just barely changed my major a year ago and now I'm thinking I'm going to change it again. That will be a pain in the neck, I'll have to petition to the school and then give them my plan of graduating. It's stupid. Actually, I just don't have the patience. Sorry this entry is kinda negative. I'll do better next time. I just needed to vent for a sec.
On to a happier note, I got my new jacket that I ordered online. I really like it a lot!!!! Here's a picture of it from the website. I'd take a picture of me wearing it, but I don't feel like it. The features are as follows: lightweight, water proof, wrinkle resistant, and just plain cool. I haven't had a nice jacket in a long while, so I'm really excited about it. I'm going to wear it to school tomorrow. Yeah for the new jacket!
oh, another thing noteworthy-I bought a swimming suit yesterday! I haven't owned one in about 6 or 7 years. It's an okay suit, it will have to do. We had talked about going to the hot springs here (hence the need for a suit), I'm excited. I love being warm!!! Speaking of warm, I noticed the temperature back home, 80 degrees all week!! I'm excited to get some of that in a couple of weeks!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Trial Run
So today I came and went to class. Nothing special. After lunch I decided to learn how to make eggs benedict. Cause for Cassy's birthday, Rachel and I are going to make her her favorite meal. So I spent a good 20 minutes looking online to find a receipe. I learned that all it really is is a poached egg on top of a slice of ham on top of a piece of toasted english muffin. So, I had to learn how to make a poached egg so come Saturday morning, I could make it. Let's just say my first time around wasn't so pretty. It tasted ok, but I know eggs benedict are not my favorite eggs. I'm still a big fan of scambled and hard boiled.
Anyway, so we are going to see Nanny McPhee later tonight at the dollar theatre. I've heard it was good. I'm excited. Something to do. But now I'm going to play my game.
Oh I almost forgot, I got a letter from my Dad today in the mail. I about peed my pants. He used to write me once a week and since becoming bishop of my home ward he has been very busy. I missed getting those. And it's always about a random thing that happened to him during the week that he would expound on and add some funny twists. I missed his writings. And for those who would like a taste of his writings (very funny I might add) click here: Dad's Website
I love his stories. I need to get him to send me more of his stories so that I can update and maybe revamp his website.
Monday, April 10, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 7:07 PM 1 comments
Like a flower follows the sun...
So the other day it was 65 degrees and the sun was shinning, so I couldn't resist. I sat on my porch in my mushroom chair. I had a pepsi with lime, my iPod, and my sudoku book. It was perfect. I ended up being on the porch for 5 hours and enjoyed every minute. I did 12 third level puzzles, chatted with the neighbor and just relaxed. Well, I'm paying for it now. I ended up burning my face. The funny thing was it was only half my face. Here's a picture of my burnt face. The left (my right) side is all red. But check out the second picture. You can see it better. So needless to say, I'm in pain. I've put on burn ointment and my face just sucks it in. It's kinda funny. Cassy and Rachel got a kick out of it. They would just laugh at me everytime they
looked at me. I almost went to the tanning place the next morning to just burn the other side of my face. But by the next morning it wasn't as red so decided against it.
So one to other things, I bought Narnia yesterday. Cassy and I watched the 3 hour special on the second disc. It was really interesting to see how they made the movie. I would love to learn how to animate like that. Even half as good as they are. Oh my heck, I love this movie!! Then later that night we watched the movie. It was funny cause Cassy fell asleep and then woke up just before the Professor says the last line and she quoted it before he said the line. It was really funny. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, she says it.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Toilet paper...
I lost the steam to type here everyday. Oh well, I didn't think it would last long. The goal really was to just keep this up. I like adding pictures to the blog because it makes it more interesting. So as I was looking through my gallery I found this picture of my Dad's hand holding my new niece's hand. I took the time stamp off, I'm hoping you can't tell. I really like this picture. Dad has said on many occasions "the closer to the end of the toliet roll, the faster it spins." How true it is. I'm not "old", but I'm getting older and things don't seem so long ago but in reality were many years ago. I don't like it. I have so much of my life left, but yet feel I have lost so much time. And what do I have to show for my life? Not much. I need to get my act together and start acomplishing things on my "life to do list". You know those, everyone has one or at least should. I've got maybe 30 or so things I want to acomplish in my lifetime, and I've maybe crossed three things off. Granted, somethings are out of my hands, like get married and have kids. But visit every state? I can do that. Go to England, I can do that. Have I? Nope. Why not. There is no real reason I haven't.
Friday, March 31, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:50 AM 0 comments
She'll be coming around the mountain...
Played racquetball again this morning. I got Cassy a couple of times one real good one to the bum. But she got me really good in the chest. She is still laughing at the face I made. We played for about an hour this morning from 7 -8. Hopefully I won't be as sore this time around. But only time will tell. We play up on campus so I don't know that we can have music playing while we play, so instead I sing little songs to myself and occasionally out loud. Today I could only think of the song "she'll be coming around the mountain". Couldn't get it out of my head for the life of me. Oh and the sloppy joe song too, I kept singing those two.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 9:53 AM 0 comments
I can feel my insides cooking now
I just thought this picture was hilarious and wanted to share it with all you who read this here blog.
So today was a good long day. Went to church, that was really good. The speakers were great. I enjoyed listening to them. Relief Society was good as well. Taught about getting us ready for General Conference this next weekend and how we should prepare. It's stuff I needed to hear. After church watched Cinderella Man with Cassy, hung out with Rachel next door... nothing new. Then we went to "Eternal Values Night" up on campus. I was a 1/3 in charge of it. I was actually surprised at how many people came. The speakers did a good job, the refreshments were good too, always a plus. Then on the way home, Rachel said they would race me. Um... I was winning until we got on the street where the temple is being built. Cassy and Rachel went an unmeantionable speed and flew by me. So, needless to say, they won! Congrats to them. But was funny was they tried to pass me in the parking lot and I wasn't going to let that happen, so I pulled in front of them. I thought there was more space between us, but I almost caused an accident. Good thing it was an almost. Phew. Then afterward Cassy and Rachel raced to get out of their dresses and it was hilarious. My stomache has had one heck of a workout lately. It's been nice.
Speaking of workouts, I'm still sore from raquetball, even worse today than yesterday. I feel like someone needs to sit on me to pop my back and relieve me of some of this pain. Man I'm out of shape.
Monday, March 27, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Long Live the Weekend
Got up early this morning and played raquetball with Cassy. It was so much fun. We played for an hour and a half! I loved it. The funny thing was later today I had forgotten and was wondering why I was so sore. My forearm and back both are really sore. I thought I slept wrong, nope, just stupid.
Had a lot of fun today. Watched CSI, hung out with Rachel and Cassy all day, watched Red Eye. That's an intense movie. We went to the championship basketball game. The blue team won. Yeah for them. It has been a good first spring break. Looking forward to my next one after classes on wednesday! Anyway, I need to go to bed, it's been a long day...
Sunday, March 26, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Ranting and Ravings of someone on their downward slope
Today was my aunt's 50th birthday and I didn't even write or call her. Oops. I think I was on something today. What, I don't know. But I was not myself. For those around me, I'm sorry. I need to think before I act or speak. I slept in this morning until about 10. It was great. I haven't done that in awhile. It was needed that's for sure. I'm thinking about nothing, I don't know what to write. Really I just need to apologize to some people so I can concentrate on other things.
March is almost over and I can't believe it. It has been a busy month for me. I don't know that I am ready for it to be April. It means that school will be over, I will have to get a job, my friends will not be around and I will return to the life of a hermit. Not really looking forward to it. Although I do miss my family a bunch, I don't know that I want to go home yet.
Moving on... I was right. My time with the trophy was not long lived. Cassy scared me and she wasn't even trying. Dang it. I worked hard to get it, but I'll get it back, don't you worry. How lame am I? I care about the stupidest stuff.
I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. Play a little sudoku and call it an evening.
Saturday, March 25, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:33 AM 0 comments
What can I say?
I got it back!! And it's about time. Exibit 'A' -a tin foil trophy. I made this awhile ago for Cassy and me because we are constantly trying to scare each other. Whoever scared the other person had the imaginary trophy so I decided one Sunday afternoon to put my Sabbath to good use. I made us a trophy. And dang, I think I did a good job. But I finally got it back tonight! I was in talking to my roommate, Leslie, and out comes Cassy. She was in the bath and had no idea I had returned from Dairy Queen. So I hid in Leslie's closet as they chatted and all of a sudden I jump out and yell "boo." She is in a towel and all she can do is scream! Oh my heck, I gave myself a headache from laughing so hard. For those who remember or even know, it reminded me of the picture of Carrie Crane when she slept over at our house and her picture was taken while she was screaming in a towel. Oh man, that was funny! We'll see how long I get to keep it. I bet not for long. Cassy has been getting into the game a lot lately, actually the whole apartment has, and they have been ganging up on me...
So the other piece of news is Exibit 'B' - my new haircut. It doesn't look like much, but I got side bangs. I made sure they would be able to be tucked behind my ear, I just can't stand things in my face. It was fun. I love getting my hair cut. I love the nice sharp ends and the lighter feeling, not that she cut off a bunch. When she cut my bangs, she cut off like 4 or 5 inches and it fell in my lap and it was hard to not look at it and want to cry. Ok, not really, but I couldn't believe how much she cut and my hair was still fairly long. So anyway, I'm trying to take a picture of my hair and its hard to do by myself. This picture you really can't tell but the bangs are on the right side, my left side. I like the feel of them. Anyway, life has been good. I have some homework to do, but I probably won't do that til tomorrow or Saturday. Not in the mood right now. Oh, before I forget, I'm excited, Cassy, Rachel and I are going to try to play raquet ball on Saturday morning. We can't sign up for it we just have to show up and claim a court so we're going to go early. We'll see, I really hope we get one. I'm feeling the need for exercise.
Friday, March 24, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Spring is here!
So, I'm liking the way this blog thing is looking. I just might keep this up. But we'll see how long that lasts. So today I had class and got out early. My first spring break started early! Sweet. Tomorrow I think I'm going to get my hair cut well trimmed to be exact. Cassy and Rachel really want me to get side bangs. I don't know how I feel about that. But it got me thinking. I've had the same hair cut since who knows when. I
don't do anything special with it and basically let it do it's own thing. So I've been giving it some serious thought. I just looked at some websites talking about sidebangs... they didn't help me one bit. Maybe I'll just ask around. I don't know, I'm so indecisive it makes me sick. Anyway, Here's a picture of Cassy, Rachel and me in Boise. I forgot to post them yesterday.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 | Posted by Rachael at 11:50 PM 1 comments